10 Companies On A Hiring Spree This January


LivePerson: LivePerson allows its clients to talk to customers through chat, voice, targeted content and video. It hugely focuses on personal development with too much of personal guidance and attention. Every month the managers sit with the team members and help them grow.

Yunwen Shaw, a customer value manager at Liveperson says that their mantra is, “Help Others and Be an Owner.” One who wants personal growth and career development should wait no more and apply for a job in LivePerson.

LivingSocial: LivingSocial invites people who have love experimentation, can recognize others, make strong moves, have bright ideas, bear surprise and delight and have the hunger for growth.

LivingSocial is a web-based marketplace that offers its users with weekend trips, gourmet dinners and above all, freedom. They have vacancies in sales, finance and engineering roles. Lauren Hengl, who manages LivingSocial 918 F location says, “This space is about figuring out what works and not being scared to try things-test and retest until you get it right.”

So if you think you are eligible for any of the above jobs and have desire to work in such a wonderful atmosphere, hurry up. January is coming to an end as do the job openings.

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