10 Career Blocking Mistakes To Avoid in 2015

Complaining Too Much
Subpar salary, sour supervisor, sucky schedule might get frustrating, but that doesn’t mean you brag about it all day and complain too much, which might backfire and dent your place of employment.
Although, workplace can’t be a smooth ride always, just be logical and clever of how you handle things rather than venting into incessant complaining. Due to this, neither your neither professional nor personal circle will have a good opinion about you and might get annoyed. So if you're miserable at your job, make moves to find a new one, but don’t make a mistake of complaining too much.
Being A Clock-Watcher
While you're at work, be at work and not a clock-watcher. Diane Gottsman, owner of The Protocol School of Texas, exclaimed, "If you arrive in the nick of time in the morning and pack up five minutes early in the afternoon you are sending the message that you are just going through the motions”.
She further adds, that "Making a positive impression, being seen as a team player and showing your boss you are invested in the company requires you to arrive early enough to make your first cup of coffee before the day begins and finish a project that is time-sensitive, regardless of what the clock says."
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