10 Workplace Habits That Can Get You Fired

Bangalore: In this tough economy, it is very difficult to find a perfect job; therefore if you are already in a decent job, you must avoid doing certain things that could get you fired. Even if you are quite a proficient employee, there are certain habits that can endanger your job. According to Alison Green of U.S. News Money website, below listed are the ten work habits that could get you fired from your job.

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1. Playing online during the work hours: During work hours you should not log into Gmail chat or do holiday shopping online. Playing on social networking sites is also an absolute no especially during office hours. Remember that doing these time pass things can cost you your job. So, you must never use your work computer for anything personal apart from work. Moreover, you must know that your manager has the full right to monitor anything you do on your work computer, so never ever do these things on that.

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