10 Things You Need to Know on Body Language During Job Interview

Bangalore: Are you experiencing stressful situation while giving an interview for a job? Then, it is for sure you won’t be cautious about your body language as you will be more conscious about the questions the interviewer might be asking you. But you must be aware of the fact that these days’, interviewers are very much sharp and trained in reading your body language simultaneously while interviewing you. So, the first thing you need to consider when it comes to body language is that to avoid few actions and habits that can divert the attention of the interviewer. If you want to clear your interview round successfully, here are few essential tricks that every job seeker needs to master before heading for a job interview as reported by Vivian Giang on Business insider.

1. Wear Proper Clothes that are comfortable to you:

Wearing proper clothes while attending a job interview is a must because if you are dressed up well, definitely you can set a good impact on the interviewers. And if you are dressed up in a way which makes you feel fabulous then for sure your body language is going to be much more comfortable in the moment, says Jodie Bentley an acting coach.

2. Place both your feet on the floor:

While you are sitting in front of your interviewer, avoid crossing your legs in front of them, as it can give the sign that you are unsure about yourself, so try to keep both your feet on the ground suggests John Treacy Egan, a Broadway actor.

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