10 Most Dangerous Jobs That Can Kill You

Military Personnel:
Serving the country is one of the most reputed jobs but at the same time it is risky and dangerous.
Military personnel participate in, or support combat and other military operations, such as humanitarian or disaster relief. They operate, maintain, and repair equipment and perform technical and support activities. They also supervise junior enlisted personnel.
Military personnel are often placed in dangerous situations with the risk of serious injury or death.
Military personnel work standard full time, and do not get normal holidays. However, hours vary significantly, depending on occupational specialty, rank, branch of service, and the needs of the military. In all cases, personnel must be prepared to work long hours to fulfill missions and on holidays their work is more than usual days.
If you think that being a fisherman is an easy job, you are wrong. The water is not as calm as what it looks like at the beach or coastline. Out in the open sea, fishermen are ravaged by gigantic waves which can swallow them in an instant or they can get stuck in the middle of nowhere due to malfunctioning gears.
Battling the sea, wind, and waves – fisherman put fish and sea food on our plates. Some of the risk factors in this line of work include malfunctioning equipment, deadly weather, getting hit by a huge storm, and transportation accidents.
Fishermen work on boats, sometimes hundreds of miles away from shore, and for weeks at a time. They operate in all types of weather – storms, high seas, ice conditions, fog, strong winds, as well as calm, sunny days. They work in some of the toughest and hardest conditions of any profession, and many times help is not available when injuries occur.
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