10 Items To Take Out From Your Resume

4. Information You Cannot Defend in an Interview

It goes without saying that outright lies should never be included on your resume, but over-embellishment also gets you in trouble. Even if your creative writing manages to land you an interview, employers find out quickly enough if you are not as capable as you have claimed. Being “familiar” with a software package or specific platform does not translate into you being able to create and manipulate detailed documents or complete complex projects.

You never want to be in a position where you are unable to demonstrate one of the “skills” listed on your resume. If you always remember to be honest and put your best foot forward, your employer becomes a valued reference in the future.

5. Photos

These may not be on your resume, but once a potential employer has your full name they might as well be. Polish all social networking profiles and remove any unprofessional or embarrassing photos.

Unless requested or depending on the industry, leave your photo out. You are not being judged on how you look, so including a photo will make you look unprofessional. If you are gray or balding, you might consider removing your photo during your job search.