10 Careers For Those Who Hate The Conventional 9 To 5
BENGALURU: Boundaries and limitations confine some people to their shells. Although rules and disciplines are essential and result in increased productivity, for some they act like a demoralizer. Coming straight to the point, conventional office hours of 9 to 5 may prove to be really tiring or boring to some and they may desire to work in some place with flexible shifts. A person’s productivity entirely depends on his mood and active health.
For those who hate working 9 to 5 there is no need to be disheartened or lose hope. Here are few career options with flexible work shifts and independence in working hours, as compiled by Brazen Careerist.
Freelancer Web Designer:
A web designer creates different websites to make the experience much more wonderful and functional to the users. A freelance web designer can design the web pages just from his home, sitting on his couch having a cup of choco latte. In this job, he is able to choose his own projects and earn an average amount of $78, 000 per year.
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