Top 10 Tech Companies You Want To Get Poached By


Job functions: Operations/Project Management
Highest paid positions: Senior Software Engineer, Senior Data Scientist, Engineering Manager

To keep workers inspired and engaged, the LinkedIn perks list is also long. Free Yoga, Extra Time in case of special projects, interaction with world class personalities with all areas of interest, $5000 per year for academic purposes, annual contests and feasts like the annual cube decorating contest, $10000 for their way of charities and the CEO himself reports the work force twice in a month. So much of motivation!


Job functions of people: Professional Services / Technology Consulting
Highest paid positions: Senior Management Consultant, Associate Partner, Distinguished Engineer

At IBM, your salary can be two dimensional – annual and bonus. Awards and prizes are distributed in short intervals to encourage competition among employees. That does not mean they are not friends. Parties, clubs, tours, resort visits – so much to keep them united. The IBM learning programs allows you to take up part time courses where some portion is paid by the company. Employees with kids get educational benefits from this IT legend. Health is also included in the IBM benefit list.

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