Know How Google's Performance Review Works
BANGALORE: Performance reviews caters an important role in managing any kind of business but in opposition to their usefulness they‘re at times ineffective and time consuming.
Therefore, back in the early 2000s to tackle the issue Google took on an innovative internal grading system, commonly known as Objectives and Key Results, or OKRs, reports Business Insider.
Employees put forward targets and draw out a number of quantifiable results that ensure they achieve their set goals while Google’s CEO follows similar process for the overall company.
Google's senior vice president of People Operations Laszlo Bock in his book “Work Rules!” had penned a concise version with several key components on the remainder of the process.
Evaluating performance
Mangers rate the Googlers on a five-point scale from “what needs to be improved” to“superb” Highest rating.
Request peer feedback
A group of peer reviewers which include employees at junior level are appointed by Googlers and their managers. The peer reviewers are asked to offer feedback of the person they are assessing, based on what is expected to do and what could be done differently, these collective responses offer major impact on the company’s well being.
A meeting for all the managers is held, to deliberate on the reviews of the overall employees' ratings; thereby ensuring a steady decline in managers' biases as they have to state the reasons behind their decision in the meeting. Mangers are provided with a handout that a list of budding bias that unbalance the value of an employees' recent behaviors. Based on these points, the final result is made on the final ratings.
Segregating yearly reviews and pay discussions
Annual reviews in Google takes place in November while pay discussions take place a month later. This measure is undertaken in hope of improving employee’s motivation in contributing to the company not solely based on salary growth. Bock further states that employee’s performance grows in the absence of external incentives which includes pay hike. Finally Bock cites that employees are eager to be assessed as they wish to progress in their job as a result it is the role of the employer to guide them on how to attain it.
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