7 Professional Powers That Are Rampant At Workplace

Coercive Power

This power comes into view when a person believes that he can punish others for noncompliance or rule over them by threat and force.

As per Lipkin, one should never exercise this kind of power, as it will be something like bullying at workplace and you will never be able to win the loyalty and respect of fellow workers for long.     

Expert Power

This power comes with superior skills and knowledge.

For instance, consider an individual with an advanced degree. He in all probability will be well respected at the workplace and the reports will be more inclined to accede to his expertise. This will give him a great deal of influence, which is nothing but expert power.

This power is all about knowledge and nobody on earth have the potential to take it away from you. However, in order to maintain your status quotient and influence, you should continue your journey for excellence through constant learning. 

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